Aloha Fest, Dragon Boat Festival, Havasu Heat, Crystal Pie
- Auntie Aloha
- Leis – recruit people to make (Diana will show people how)
- Pillow/bookcases – Todd has 20
- Hand out flyers with QR code
- Have a poster/flyer posted at the booth and areas at the event.
- QR code will have additional information
- Need people Saturday and Sunday to man both booth and sprints. Need everyone there!
- Take 2 canoes down for sprints
- Try to recruit and talk about the clubs.
- Set canoe by booth (OC1) the night before
- Fri set up tent, tables, and chairs (3-4 people. Approx. 4pm)
- Ohana Village
- Races, communication, QR Code, practice schedule will be posted at Aloha tent.
- 2 people manage booth – people can rotate
- Rotate 4 people per shift (9am-1pm, 11am-3pm, 1pm-5pm)
- Sprint exhibition – 2 races every 30 minutes on the hour, combination of Havasu and TAZ paddlers racing
- Canoes and Information Tent will be at dock (Tempe Center of Art)
- Canoe rides:
- Sign up people
- Sign waiver
- need at least 4 people handle waiver, basic instruction, life vest
- 1 boat ride every hour on the half hour
- Sunday: do a ride every hour and half-hour
- Members – Being a member of the club also means We need everyone involved!
- Need to get updated communication platform, I.e., email. Text message, inside storge bins.
- Get most current email
- Introduction to Team Snap
- Waiver and club fees
- Cannot paddle without due’s paid or payment plan – have until the end of February
- Talk to Diana about payment plan
- Please let Diana know if Kui has money!!!
- Kui updating team website.
- Lisa – create sign up for Aloha Fest
- Canoe Maintenance February 19th & 26th 2022 at TTL
Races and Practices
- Races – Schedule & Parameter
- Need to get waivers and fee completed
- Need racers for Havasu Heat 3/19/22
- Have a month to train
- 2 canoes go to Havasu
- Crystal Pier, May 7, 2022
- MDR – June 4, 2022
- Iron Champs – June 25, 2022
- Kona – September 3, 2022 TBD
- Rig Run & Long Beach – not official
- more Practice and Race information